Leverage your network!

Earn while you learn is a profit-sharing programme. If you already have an engaged audience, speak to us for a profitable partnership. If you and your team desire to learn more in digital marketing you can earn while you learn. If you work with a large team, you can put together a group in your boardroom or even your dinner table. We partner with Estate Agents, Attorneys, Business Advisors, Entrepreneurs etc.

How it works?

The keyword is “LEVERAGE”, everybody knows somebody.  Usually, birds of a feather flock together.  They say that most people have an average of 250 people in their immediate network.  That means 250 people who trust them.  If you are highly connected and would like to leverage that network, you can invite them to learn with you.  Imagine a Tupperware party but the only thing is you are learning and growing together.

I’m a big fan of watching people grow.

I’m a big fan of watching people grow and become happier and healthier versions of themselves.

I don’t know about you, but I love seeing people grow and empower themselves.  Our goal is to help you succeed in life by providing you with the right tools.  When I was young I believed thru champions were just born, like Olympic athletes, etc. Until recently I was listening to a motivational speaker say, there are winners, there are losers and there are people who haven’t been shown how to win.   We provide the platforms and the necessary training to help you stay ahead of the pack.

Who’s it for?

This is for anyone who has an engaged network.  Some of the people who can benefit: Graphic Designers, Printers, Accountants, Network Marketers, Sales Reps, Estate Agents, Dealer Principals, Business Consultants, Stay at home parents, School levers & Students, bloggers, influencers, and many more.

It’s easy for network marketers and entrepreneurs because you are already used to dealing with other people.  Just browse through your phone and invite those you think might be interested.  Make sure you are inviting those who are a good fit.

How much can I earn?

The cost to train each person is R999 per day, you can earn anything from R280-R500 per person. So do the math, if you get 10 people in a room you can earn a minimum of R2800 per day. If you get 20 people you can earn R5600 per day.

Which topics are covered?

These are hands-on skills to grow your business, the topics vary from Digital Marketing, Social Media, TikTok, eCommerce, Email Marketing, Facebook Ads, How to start your own business, etc. Depending on the individual class requirements we can structure a topic to suit them.

All of our programmes are bread and butter lessons, meaning you can apply the lessons to your business, you can start your own business or you can find a job.


We train in Durban and Johannesburg but have driven out to Ballito, Hillcrest, PMB, St Lucia, Richards Bay, etc.

We prefer face-to-face but we also facilitate ZOOM sessions.

This is not a scam, you do all the work and you get paid.

Unfortunately, like anything else, this is not for everyone. If you are a naysayer, pessimistic, have a problem mindset(have a problem for every solution), have a victim mindset, had a tough childhood, already know everything, or are a man united fan, please do not waste your time.

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Please call me back. I want to learn more.
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